MARCH 30, 2021
By: vick soffer | ROULER ADVISORS | Managing Director

ROULER is a boutique, full-service, real estate investment management firm. We are entrepreneurs with a fresh and forward-looking approach.

ROULER acquires robust properties and manages them to keep pace with a changing world. We seek cost-effective improvements that explore new ideas, anticipate change, and provide a competitive edge. We call this the RE—a continuous learning process guiding a property’s ongoing REvitalization, REpositioning and REnewal.

We don’t rely on our impressive track record. Because past success does not guaranty future performance. We don’t rely entirely on experience. Because yesterday’s “best practices” may not be relevant today. We don’t pretend to “know it all.” Because the future is yet unknown. 

Rouler advisors

vick soffer

For 25 years, as partner in a multinational technology company, Vick led strategic planning, negotiated acquisitions, divestitures, and joint ventures, leading underwriting and due diligence efforts. His experience includes real estate operations involving acquisition, development, leasing and management of industrial and retail properties. Vick is an entrepreneur with exceptional strength in operations and management. He holds an electrical engineering degree and is fluent in Spanish, Hebrew, French, and Arabic.